
第97章 大奖赛芬兰站结束 (第2/2页)


【记者】will the short program be replaced with a new one during the Grand prix Finals?



【翻译人员】whether there will be a new program for the Grand prix Finals depends on the effectiveness of the new programs I will participate in in the uping challenge series, including the wudi cup and budapest cup.



【记者】the wudi cup and budapest cup are separated by one day, which means that after the wudi cup ends, you must immediately rush from Germany to hungary. why did you choose two b-level matches in such a hurry?



【翻译人员】At present, I want to change the short program and free skate to new programs during the Grand prix Finals, so before the Grand prix Finals, there will only be the wudi cup and budapest cup.



【记者】why do you want to change even the free skate program during the Grand prix Finals? After all, I have only skated three times on this free skate program.



【翻译人员】because the overall effect of the free skate program is not very good, and the p-score is getting lower and lower each time, I am preparing to switch to a brand new program.












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